Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Design and Technology '08

DnT  artifact is finally completed!! ... well almost.
its a 24 hour sundial
how is that possible, you ask? 
well the sundial works by using the sun's light
to cast shadows against a flat ground to indicate
the movement of the sun, hence the time of  day.
well by removing the "sun" factor, and put inside 
specially fabricated light bulbs (made by yours truly),
they take over the sun's job of casting the shadow. 
thus with out an option of the light bulb setting over the
horizon at dusk, it now can work for well...
without overtime pay and 
contributing to CPF.
concept as to how it works, 
an internal motor turns the wooden dowel,
which is connected to the top piece with the bulbs, 
thus turning the light in a circular motion ;
ever casting a shadow on the numbered 
surface of the bottom piece.
if the lack of number on the sundial clock surface
seems odd to you... don't worry, i might just it on soon...
but mainly for now... its folio time!!
Auxilio ab alto